


yesterday昨天 here这儿 often经常 quite很 quickly快速 happily幸福地




well好 carefully认真地 together一起


when何时 where何地 why为何

③ 关系副词

when何时 where何地 why为何


so因此 however然而 otherwise否则



well好地 easily容易地 suddenly突然


high高地 wide宽广地 deep深深地


tomorrow明天 before以前 once曾经


there那边 abroad在国外 downstairs楼下


very很 quite非常 terribly极


little少 much多 twice两次


when何时 why为何 how如何




She asked her daughter mot to drive too fast.她请女儿别开车太快。

In the battle every soldier fought bravely.战斗中每个战士都英勇作战。

He has never heard of the name before.他以前从未听人说过这个名字。

Are you quite sure we are on the right way back to the camp?你很肯定我们走对了回营地的路吗?

Luckily, she was in when I called.很幸运,我去看她时她正好在家。


表示位置的副词作表语时说明主语的状态或特征(above,across, inside, upstairs);表示动作方向的副词作表语时是有动作意义(up, down, on, in, off, out);well off, up to等副词短语也可以作表语。

Isn’t he up yet?他还没起床吗?

I’m sorry but he is not in.对不起,他不在。

What’s on at the theatre this weekend?本周末剧院演什么?



The boys there are talking about football.那边的男生正在侃球。

Is life here full of joy?这里的生活充满欢乐吗?

On her way back home, she found a wallet.她在回家的路上发现一个钱包。


某些表示位置的副词可以再under, from, in, on around, along等后作介词宾语;某些时间副词可以再by, from , except, before, after, till, since等词后作介词宾语。

You can leave the goods anywhere but here.除了这里外,你愿把货物放哪都行。

He came from there.他从那里来。



程度副词一般放在被修饰的动词、形容词或副词的前面,放在to be或第一个助动词和情态动词之后。常用的这类词:just, too, fairly, nearly, awfully, slightly, exactly, perfectly, thoroughly, hardly, almost, quite, extremely, completely, rather等。

I can hardly believe what he said.我几乎不相信他说的话。

I am very happy to be with you.和你在一起和愉快。


通常在不需要强调时放在行为动词前,放在to be或第一个助动词和情态动词之后。常用的这类词:ever, rarely, often, sometimes, seldom, never, constantly, frequently, occasionally, always, usually等。

I often saw her walk in the park.我常看见她在公园里散步。

You mustn’t always be talking so much.你绝对不能说那么多话。



The girl danced beautifully.这个姑娘的舞姿很美。

She speaks English very well.她的英语讲得很好。


时间副词,尤其是表示具体时间的副词,一般放在句首或句尾。常用的副词:finally, yet, still, now, soon, lately, shortly, then, recently, personally, already, before, early, late, today等。

He will be back tomorrow.他明天回来。

Tomorrow he will be back.他明天回来。


通常置于句尾,有时置于句首,一般不置于句中, 常用的副词:away, abroad, downstairs, everywhere, outside, around, here, below, anywhere, somewhere, near, far, up, down等。

The boy are playing downstairs.孩子们在楼下玩。

Here the speaker paused for a while.发言的人在这里停顿了一会。

(6)enough 在句中的位置


If I had a long enough holiday I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.如果我有足够长的假期,我将去欧洲旅行,在所有有趣的地方逗留。

I think I’m well enough to get back to school.我认为我好了,可以返校了。

(7)only 在句中的位置


Only I heard of this just now. 刚才只有我听到这件事。(没其它人)

I heard of only this just now. 刚才我只听到这件事。(没听到别的事)

I heard of this only just now. 我只是在刚才才听到这件事。(强调时间)



fast快 faster更快 fastest最快

early早 earlier更早 earliest最早

badly糟地 worse更糟 worst最糟

brightly明亮地 more brightly更明亮 most brightly最明亮


Betty plays tennis better than her brother.贝蒂打网球比她哥哥强。

Mr. Wang always gets to the school earlier than any other teacher.王老师经常到校比其他教师早。

Who swims (the) best in your team?你们队谁游泳最棒?

Susan sings the most beautifully and is chosen to play the part.苏珊唱得最动听就被选中担任这一角色。




perfect完善的 full满着的 empty空的

square方形的 round圆的 wooden木的

monthly每月的 red红色的

2、“most+形容词”可表达一种程度上非常高的特性和品质,表示“非常”或“在很大程度上”,但却 不表示比较,这时most前一般无the。

What he said is most interesting.他说的话有趣极了。

Lucy is a most beautiful girl and she cooks most delicious cakes.露西是个非常美貌的姑娘,她做的糕饼也格外好吃。

Don’t you know it is a most important question?难道你不知道这是个很重要的问题吗?

3、表示程度相等(同)或不相等(同)时,“相等(同)”as…as,“不相等(同)”用not so(as)…。 as…as之间通常用表示数量、程度、性质的词,如many, much, little, few, good, tall, far等。

John plays football as well as, if not better than, David. 如果说约翰的足球踢的不比大卫好,至少和他踢的一样好。

You look as tall as your father.你看上去跟你爸爸一般高。

I want another jacket as large as that one.我想再要件跟那件一样尺码的夹克衫。

In order to catch up with your deskmate, you should work as hard as him.要想赶上你同桌,你就得跟他一样用功。

It was not so hot as yesterday.天不像昨天那么热了。

She can’t speak English as frequently as you.她的英语讲得不如你流利。

Now Jack isn’t driving so fast as he used to.如今杰克开车不如以前那么快了。


French is as difficult a language as English.法语跟英语一样难学。

I’ve never seen so moving a film as Titanic.我以前从未看过像《泰坦尼克号》那么动人的电影。



(1) 用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,用下面三个句型,用副词表示则一般只用前两个句型。

①倍数+形容词 (或副词)的比较级+than

This rope is twice longer than that one.这根绳的长度是那根绳的三倍。(比那根绳长二倍)

This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍。(是我们教室的六倍)

The car runs twice faster than that truck.这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍 (是那辆卡车的三倍) 。


Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。

This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.这块大石头的重量是那一块的三倍。(这块石头比那块重二倍)

The plane flew ten times as high as the kite.


③倍数+the size(length,width,height)of

This street is four times the length of that one.这条街是那条街的四倍长。

This hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。(比那座小山高三倍)

也可用:The height of this hill is four times that of that small one.

Paper produced every year is three times the weight of the worlds production of vehicle. 每年的造纸量是世界生产汽车重量的3倍。


①倍数+more+名词 (可数,不可数)+than

There are four times more books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆藏书(数量)是你们图书馆藏书的四倍。(我们图书馆藏书比你们的多三倍。)

We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year.我们今年生产的粮食比去年增长一倍。(是去年的两倍)

②倍数+as many(或much)+名词+其他+as

After the technique was introduced,the factory produced twice as many tractors in 1988 as the year before.采用新的技术以后,那个工厂1988年生产的拖拉机是前一年 (1987年)的两倍,(比前一年增长一倍)

There is three times as much water in this pot as in that one.这个壶里的水(量)是那个壶里的三倍。


形容词和副词的比较等级常可用下列一些词来修饰,表示比较的程度:much, far, even, still, a little, no ,any, a lot, a great deal等。.

The girl sang far better than the others and got the first prize finally.那女孩唱得比其他人好多了,最后获得一等奖。

I’m sure you’ll make still greater progress.我肯定你能取得更大的进步。

There’re now a lot more trees on the hills around the village.现在村庄四周的山上树木多多了。

It’s far more difficult to learn English well without practice.不操练要学好英语就难多了。



His voice got weaker and weaker.他的声音越来越弱。

Take some medicine and you’ll get better and better.吃些药吧,你会越来越好。

The policeman ran faster and faster after the thief and caught him at last.警察追小偷越跑越快,终于抓住了他。


常用”the more…,the more”来表达。

The sooner this is done,the better.这件事做得越早越好。

The more the king ate ,the fatter he became.国王吃得越多长得越胖。

The harder he tried, the less progress he seemed to make.他越努力,似乎进步越小。

8、too +形容词(或副词)+ to do sth的用法

(1)too +形容词(或副词)+ to do sth,具有否定的意义,表示“太……不能,太不会”

It’s too late for us to catch the train.太晚了,我们赶不上火车了。

She is too careless to notice it.她太粗心了,不可能注意到那一点。

(2)too +形容词(或副词)+ to do sth表示肯定概念

如果too前面有only, all, not, but, never, simply, just等词时,too后面的词是eager, anxious, pleased, kind, willing, apt, ready, inclined, glad, quick,等词时,该句型表示肯定概念。在用法上,too和extremely,very同义。

He is too ready to promise.他总是轻易许诺。

You know but too well to hold your tongue.你深知少说为妙。

He is only too glad to help you.他非常乐意帮助你。

9、more than, less than及其两种不同否定形式

(1)more than表示“多于”。

We have learned more than 3,000 English words by far.到目前为止我们已学了三千多个英语单词。

(2)no more than 和not more than分别表示“只不过”(only)和“不多于”。

There’re no more than 12 tickets left for your group.还剩下不过十二张票给你们小组。

He is no more clever than his father.他并不比他父亲聪明多少。(意指他和他爸爸一样不聪明)

The computer is not more expensive than a colour TV set.电脑不比彩电贵。

(3)less than表示“少于”。

They managed to complete the hall in less than ten months.他们在不到十个月时间内就建成了大会堂。

(4)no less than和not less than则分别表示“不亚于”和“不少于”。

He spends no less than five hours on English every day .每天他花在英语上的时间有5小时之多。

There were not less than 2,000 people present at the meeting.到会的至少有两千人。




They got there much later than we had expected.他们到达得比我们预料的要晚得多。

Three years later she met her friend in London.三年后她在伦敦遇见了她的朋友。

Read us the latest news in the newspaper把报上的最新消息读给我们听。

Who will speak last at the meeting?谁将在会上最后发言?

The former is bad; the latter is worse.前面的差;后面的更差。



It’s one of the oldest cities in the world.它是世界上最古老的城市之一。

My elder brother is only one and a half years older than I.我哥只比我大一岁半。

(3)farther, farthest


We can’t go any farther / further ahead with this out-of-date policy.我们决不能再继续执行这项过了时的政策了。

The new stadium is on the farther side of the river.新体育场在河的对岸。

We walked a few blocks farther down the street.我们沿着这条大道路又走了几个街区。

I have nothing further to say.我没有别的话要说了。

He can put the shot further / farther than I can.他的铅球比我扔得更远。

Nothing was further from my mind.这远远不是我的意思。

There will be a further performance of the opera next week.这出戏下星期还要演出一场。

He said that he could not find it and, further, that nobody would ever find it.他说他找不到它, 而且也没有人会找到它。

He stated further that he would not cooperate with the committee.他进一步指出他不愿与委员会合作。

We were all tired and couldn’t walk any farther.我们太累了,一点也不能向前走了。

You can ask the department manager for further information.要知详情请询问部门经理。

11、not so much A as B和more A than B

(1)not so much A as B

not so much A as B是部分否定结构,意为“与其说是A,不如说是B”。

James is not so much a writer as a reporter.詹姆士与其说是作家,不如说是记者。

The Oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.海洋与其说是分离了世界,倒不如说连接了世界。

(2)more A than B

more A than B是部分否定结构,意为“与其说是B,不如说是A”。

This book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar.这本书看起来与其说是一本语法书不如说是一本字典。

He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。

12、be kind of sb. to do sth和be difficult for sb. to do sth

(1)“It is + 形容词+of+代词+不定式”结构

这个结构表示说话人对客观事物的高兴、惊讶、懊悔、难过等情绪,表现的是人的性格、品质或特征等。这个句型实际上相当于感叹句,能用于此句型的形容词表示褒义、贬义等词:polite, brave, careless, selfish, greedy, crazy, mad;表示智力的词:clever, brilliant, silly, stupid, absurd, dumb, foolish, unwise;态度:nice, kind, good, sweet, wonderful, right, wrong等。

It’s very kind of you to do it for me.你为我坐这件事太好了。

It’s foolish of him to waste him so much time.他太傻了,浪费这么多时间。

(2)“It is + 形容词+ for +代词+不定式”结构

这个结构表示说话人对客观事物的决断性,多用于正式场合,能用于此句型的形容词:hard, difficult, possible, impossible, dangerous, useful, useless, common, unusual, enough, convenient等。

It’s difficult to answer this question.回答这个问题太难了。

It impossible for him to finish the work in such a short while.这么一会它就完成工作是不可能的。




good,well都有好的意思,但它们的用法却不同。well既能作副词又能作形容词。作副词时通常修饰动词,作形容词时可作表语,指身体好。 good则只作形容词,表示“物品的质量好”或“某人品质好”。在句中可作定语或表语。

These oranges taste good. 这些橘子很好吃。

He did very well in the exam.他考试考得很好。

He isn’t feeling well today.他今天感觉不舒服。

2、most, at(the) most, almost, mostly



He is one of the most famous writers in China.他是中国最出名的作家之一。

Which of you has made the most mistakes? 你们中哪一位出的错最多?


I shall most certainly go there.我一定去那里。


Most students like English. 大部分学生都喜欢英语。

④在“most of+名词”中,most意为“大部分”。若此结构作主语,其后谓语动词的数与后接名词的数保持一致。

Most of his friends are away for the moment.他的大部分朋友暂时离开了。

Most of the apple was rotten.这苹果一多半都烂了,


Guilin is a most beautiful city.桂林是一个很美的城市。

The statue is made of marble of a most lovely colour.这雕像是一种很好看的颜色的大理石雕成的。


At most, I’ll be away two days.我最多离开两天。

The necklace cost 500 francs at the most.这个项链最多值500法郎。

(3)mostly表示 “主要地,多半地,通常”。

The students are mostly young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.学生多半是十六至二十岁的青年人。

The guests are mostly her friends.客人多半是她的朋友。



It is nearly four o’clock.快四点钟了。

It is almost four o’clock.差一点(几乎)四点钟了。

Nearly all the students have the habit.几乎所有的学生都有这一习惯。

Almost all the students have the habit.差不多所有的学生都有这一习惯。

②almost表示 “接近”,在肯定句中可与nearly互换,两者都可用在all,every,always之前,或行为动词的否定式前。

Jack has almost (nearly) finished the work.杰克快要完成这工作了。

He almost (nearly) always makes mistakes.他差不多总是犯错误。

The patient’s progress was encouraging as he could nearly get out of bed without help. 病人的进步令人鼓舞,他几乎不需帮助就能下床了。

③若不是表示程度或可衡量的事,就只能用almost;在more than,too,no,none,nothing等词之前,就只能用almost,而nearly不可;almost之前不可用not,而nearly则可以。

The new computer is almost human.这台新的计算机几乎和人一样灵。

Almost no one (Hardly anyone) believed her story. 几乎没有人相信她的故事 。

His words are almost more than I can bear. 他的话简直让我难以忍受。

3、no longer/not…any longer; no more/not…any more


(1)not…any longer/no longer侧重于时间关系,意为“不再长久”。多用于现在时,即拿现在的情况与过去相比。其谓语动词通常用延续性动词,多位于句中。

I can no longer stay here. 我不能再呆在此地。(已经呆了很久,不能再继续下去了。)

-Excuse me, is this Mr. Brown’s office?打扰了,是布朗先生的办公室吗?

-I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown no longer works here. He left about three weeks ago.对不起,布朗先生不再在这里工作了。他走了三周了。

-Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?你给怀特先生把这个口信带到好吗?

-Sorry, I can’t. He doesn’t work here any longer. 对不起,怀特先生不再在这里工作了。

(2)no more/not…any more侧重于数量关系,意为“不再多”。多用在将来时中,是拿今后和现在比,表示以后怎么样。其谓语动词通常用终止性动词,多位于句末。

Time lost will return no more. 失去的时间将一去不复返。(现在失去,将来不会复返。)

I don’t have any more tapes.我不再有磁带了。

(3)any more/no more可以作主语、宾语而any longer/no longer不能。

No more is wanted now.现在没要别的。

Do you want any more?你还要么?

4、How long…;How soon…;How often…;How far…

(1)How long+一般疑问句

此句型常针对“for+一段时间”,“from…to…,since…,till…”等提问,表示某动作或状态持续了或要持续 “多久”,常用于完成时或将来时。此句型动词不能用瞬间动词或称终止性动词,常见的终止性动词有:buy, die, join, marry, come, leave, arrive, reach, go to bed, fall asleep, go to sleep, get to know, borrow, appear等。

-How long have you been at this school?你来这个学校多久了?

-Er,I’ve been here for just over two years. 呃,我来这里刚两年多。

-How long will it take .you to complete the trip? 你完成这次旅行要多久?

-Perhaps about more than half a year. 或许得半年多。

-How long have you been away from home?你离开家多长时间了?

-I have been away from home for five months.我离家五年了。

(2)How often+一般疑问句

此句型用来提问在某一特定时间内进行某个动作的次数,表示“多长时间一次”。往往针对频度副词如:always,seldom,usually,once a month,sometimes,等提问,常用于现在时或过去时。

-How often do you watch TV? 你多长时间(或多久)看一次电视?

-About once a day. 一天一次。

-How often do you go there?

-I go there twice a month. 我一个月去那儿两次。

注意:若只提问“多少次”则要“How many times”。

How many times do you go there a month? 你一个月去那儿几次?

(3)How soon+一般疑问句


-How soon will you be back? 多久你能回来了

-I’ll be back in a week.我一周后回来。

How soon can you finish the drawing?你什么时候完成这幅画?

注意:勿与”How quickly/fast(指动作“快”)”相混淆。

(4)How far+一般疑问句?此句型是针对“距离有多远”提问。

-How far do you live from here?你的住地离这儿有多远?

-Not more than one mile.不到一英里。


5、sometimes; some times; sometime; some time


I often watch TV, but sometimes I read.我经常看电视,但有时看书。

-You never sleep in class, will you?你上课从不睡觉,是不?

-Yes, sometimes.不,有时候睡。

(2)some times是副词性短语,表示“几次,数次”,在句中作状语。

This was such an interesting film that we saw it some times.这部电影很有趣,我们看了好几次。

He has been to Beijing for some times.他去过好几次北京。


We’ll go there sometime next summer.明年夏天的某个时候,我们将到那里去。

I saw him sometime last year.我在去年某个时间见到过他。

(4)some time是副词性短语,表示一段时间或一些时候,在句中作时间状语(也可用作名词词组)。

He used to live in England some time when he was young.他年轻的时候曾在英国住过一段时间。

When Smith was a young man, he stayed in Paris for some time. 史密斯年轻的时候曾在巴黎住过一段时间。

6、too much; much too

too much和much too两者在形式上相近,但用法不一样。

(1)too much作“太多”解,有三种用法:


I mean you eat too much food, but you don’t take enough exercise.我的意思是你吃得太多,而锻炼却不够。

Too much has been done.做得太多了。


He drank too much beer yesterday.他昨天喝地啤酒太多了。

Is watching TV too much good or bad for health? 看电视太多是对身体有益还是有害?


I like them, but they cost too much.我喜欢这些,但这价格太贵了。

Don’t think too much of yourself.不要自以为了不起。

注意:too much 可以作表语。

That is too much for a child of 5.对五岁的孩子来说这太过分了。

(2)much too意为“太,非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词或其它副词。

It’s much too cold today. 今天天气太冷。

The box is much too heavy for him to lift up.这个箱子太重了他搬不起来。

It was much too late to catch a bus after the party; therefore we called a taxi. 晚会散后,天太晚了没赶上公交车,因此我们叫了一辆出租车。

注意:too much和much too都可用作副词词组,too much不可以修饰形容词,much too不可修饰动词也不能放在many, few前。

7、especially; specially; peculiar; particular


(1)especially (to an exceptional degree)

①通常用来对前面所叙述的事情作进一步补充或说明,是有意突出到显眼的程度。强调“超过其它,与众不同”,因此,常译为 “特别地、尤其、格外地”。

We did very well in this exam, especially our monitor.我们这次考得很好,尤其是我们的班长。


These days the medical workers in the hospital are very busy, especially the nurses.这些日子那家医院的医务人员很忙,尤其是护士更忙。


especially on Sunday特别是在星期天

especially in the South尤其是在南方

The boy often comes here especially when we have breakfast.这男孩常常到这儿来,特别是当我们吃早饭时。

(2)specially(for one purpose and no other)


I came here specially to see you.我来这儿是特地看你的。

This dictionary is specially written for beginners.这本词典是专门为初学者编写的。


That way of speaking is peculiar to people in this small part of the country.那种讲话方式对这个国家少部分地区的人来说是一种独特的方式。

This is the most peculiar thing I’ve ever heard.我从来没有听说过这么怪的事。

(4)particular含有“特有的”和“个别的”之意。指从众多事例中选出一个 “个别的”,但有时也表示特殊,意义与special相同。

I have no particular reason for doing so.我这样做没有什么特殊理由。

In that particular case, the rule doesn’t hold.在那种特殊情况下,这规则不适用。


That is a special case and the rule doesn’t hold.那是一个特殊情况,这规则不适用。

Those T-shirts are usually $ 35 each, but today they have a special price of $19 in the Shopping Center.这个T恤上通常卖35美元,但今天在购物中心特价19美元。

8、glad; happy; pleased; merry; gay


Glad to see you again.又一次见到你很高兴。

I’m glad that you have come.很高兴你来了。

I am glad of your success.我对你的成功感到高兴。

We are glad about the result.我们对结果感到满意。


She’s a happy girl and she enjoys life.她是个快乐的女孩,她懂得享受人生。

He’s the happiest when he’s working. 他工作时是最高兴的。


He was very (or much) pleased at the news.听到这一消息,他感到很高兴。

I wasn’t very pleased with (about, at) my exam results.我对自己的考试成绩不够满意。


They are living a merry life.他们过着快乐的生活。

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

A piece of merry music will make you happy. 一曲欢快的音乐会使你很高兴。


The room is gay with flowers. 房间里全都是鲜花,喜气洋洋。

The house is full of gay youths.房间里挤满了欣喜的年轻人。

9、personal; private; individual

(1)personal(adj.)表示“人身的、个人的”、“亲 自 ”与 “非个人的”相对而言。

I’ve got some personal affairs that I have to see to.我有一些个人的事情得去料理一下。

It is impolite to ask questions about someone s personal life.询问别人的私人生活问题是不礼貌的。

After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her personal opinion.总统发布完官方声明后,她表达了她的个人观点。

(2)private表示 “私人的、私有的”,与 “公共的、共有的”相对而言。

Don’t repeat what I told you to anyone; it is private.不要把我跟你说的事告诉任何人,这件事是保密的。

You should not read people’s private letters.你不应该看别人的私信。

(3)individual(adj.)表示“个别 的”或“个体的”,与“普遍的”或“集体的” 相对而言。

Each individual leaf on the tree is different.树上每片叶子都不相同。

Each individual boy in the class has his own personalities.这个班上的每一个男孩都有自己的个性。

She wears very individual dresses.她的衣着非常独特。

10、small, little, tiny, minute, miniature


(1)small 一般表示“物理量值方面的小”,也可修饰“在价值方面的小”

They also found something which the X-ray plate did not show:a small wax figure of the god Duamutef.他们还发现了X光片子上所未曾显示的东西——一只鸠阿姆特神的蜡质小塑象。

Jack is very small for his age.按他的年龄, 杰克的个子显得太小。

She bought a small quantity of flour.她买了一点面粉。

(2)little在表示“程度上的微不足道”时,含义比small确定得多。而small在表示“程度上的微不足道”时,含义较模糊。在表示物质名词或抽象名词的量时,可用little。如用small则须借助于 amount, quantiy 一类的词。此外,little含有“小而可爱”的意思,而small却无感情色彩。

He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat.他将乘坐他的那艘小艇“涛波赛尔号”。“涛波赛乐号”是一艘有名的小艇。

Little boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. 爱逃学的小家伙是不用脑子想问题的。

Look at that poor little child.瞧那个可怜的小孩。

How are the little ones?孩子们好吗?

Don’t worry about little things.别为琐事烦恼。


The tiny painting proved to be an unknown masterpiece by Correggio. 这一极小的油画被证明为葛雷基欧的一件未被发现的杰作。

The tiny village of Finley is said to possess a “cursed tree.”据说芬里村这个小庄里有一棵“遭殃树”。


Tremendous forces are imprisoned in the minute particles of matter.物质微小的粒子中束缚着惊人的力。

(5)miniature 常用来修饰“建筑”或“绘画”或“工艺品”方面的非常小但是很完整、什么也不缺少的微型作品。

Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature painting at the bottom of the packing-case.弗兰克从箱子里轻轻地拎出陶器,突然发现箱底有一张微型油画。

The children are playing around the miniature railway.孩子们围着小火车玩耍。

11、possible, probable, likely这三个形容词的一般含义是“可能的”。


Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible. 科学家现在正在努力去探索这是否有可能。

He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. 他说在英吉利海峡的中心处建造一个站台将是可能的。

(2)在表示某人做某事、或事物的可能性时,具有“迹象”或推理的内涵,如果说某人是个probable thief的话,说话的人必须有迹象作为依据。likely 所修饰的人或物应当具备这样的特点:已被断定、被提出或被坚持的可能性

Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer, his name will probably remain immortal, for on November 21st, 1964, the greatest bridge in the world was named after him. 虽然维拉扎诺不能被认为是一位伟大的探险家, 但他的名字将有可能流芳百世,因为在1964年11月21日,一座世界上最大的桥梁以他的名字命名了。

Rain is possible, but not probable before evening. 有可能要下雨,但天黑前不可能下。

If it is not, and you are likely to get sea-sick, no form of transport could be worse. 如果不是如此,而且可能你会晕船,那再糟糕的交通运输莫过于此了。

12、pleasant pleased pleasing agreeable

pleasant, agreeable, pleasing意思都含“给予精神、感情或感官以快慰和满足的”。pleasant表示被修饰的对象由于具有令人高兴的外表或热切的气质而使人感到有一种自然的吸引力。pleasing具有pleasant 的含义,但另外多一层有意识地去讨人喜欢的含义。

(1)pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”。

We spent a very pleasant evening.我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。

We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。

(2)pleased 指“喜悦的”、“满意的”,语意不强,用于表示说话人自己的场合。

He is very pleased with the progress we are making.他对我们工作的进展很满意。

We are very pleased with her decision.我们对她的决定很满意。

(3)pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”。

The food is pleasing to my taste.这饭菜正合我的口味。

He is a very well mannered and pleasing young man.他是一个彬彬有礼而令人喜爱的年轻人。

She is very pleasing waitress.她是个很会讨顾客喜欢的女招待。

She has a pleasing shape. 她的身段很俊俏。

(3)agreeable 指“符合某人的喜好或愿望而感觉愉快的”。

She has an agreeable voice. 她的嗓音听起来很悦耳。

Is this agreeable to you?这合你的意吗?

I find her a very agreeable woman.我发现她是个和蔼可亲的女人。




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